Who are we working with A local community-based organisation, CDA What do we do The initial focus is on: Management of facilities and quality of knowledge at clinics/ hospitals Technical support of local hospitals for PLWH patients Increase accessibility of PLWH to health care services Microfinance for People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWH) Why do we do it Vietnam is facing a rapidly growing HIV epidemic that is extending beyond initial concentrations in networks of injecting drug users and sex workers. The Northern province of Hoa Binh is listed among the provinces with highest new HIV infections nationwide. The government has introduced policies to decentralise the treatment of AIDS and HIV to make the healthcare , the level of medical knowledge at the provincial and village level needs to be improved to make this successful What have we achieved so far 3 days of workshops field visits in hospitals and clinics a DVD and media broadcast of our workshops available to health care facilities in and around Hoa Binh Whats Next Facilitating a series of in-depth workshops Aiming to get a mix of management and medical practitioners Apply for a medical mission by emailing muneezay@greenshootsfoundation.org
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